Portland House Styles

Portland has long been at the forefront of urban design and city planning. With the massive influx of new residents expected over the next 20 years (about 120,000 new households), the plans need to be updated to keep up with the times. Preservation of the quintessential character of this city is at stake and Portlanders do not take this lightly.

The character of the single family zone neighborhoods is critical to this city’s identity. The new Portland Residential Infill Project seeks to address this through proposed zoning changes that affect the size, placement, and character of these residential zones

Many  articles and news stories have been written about this topic. If you have missed them, we’ve included a few links below that help describe the current atmosphere and how people are responding to the proposed rule set. We encourage you to determine for yourself by visiting the proposed plan website here (or downloading the PDF booklet here) and the commenting on the website before the August 16 deadline here.

If you care about this issue and how Portland looks and feels, this is your chance to join the dialogue and voice your feelings about the proposed changes. SQFT Studios will be doing just that as these proposed changes will have a definite impact on the beautiful city we live in.

Portland Business Journal

Portland Tribune

EDIT: First public feedback phase for Residential Infill Project comes to a close; 1,400 comments received. Read about it here

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