
SQFT Studios Biography: Eli Green

July 7, 2016 Eli Green, Architect With my birthday this week, SQFT Studios decided we’d take our weekly blog post to tell our story a little bit more. So this one’s about me.I've wanted to be an architect since visiting The Alhambra and then Falling Water in the same year

Sustainability at SQFT Studios: Indoor Environmental Quality

Healthy Indoor Environments for a Healthier Life   As Americans, we spend the vast majority of our lives inside buildings - about 92% of our time. 6% of our lives are spent in-transit and only 2% of our time is spent outdoors (The National Human Activity Pattern Survey (NHAPS)

Sustainability at SQFT Studios: Materials

Choosing Building Materials Every building, and every building material has an impact on the Earth. Deciding to build means coming to terms with this fact and building sustainably means working within this context to minimize the impact each project has on the environment. A building’s life cycle can be understood in

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